Since its foundation in 1982, TEP LIFTS LTD has been supplying lifts of all kinds and sizes, such as hydraulic, conventional, domestic, industrial, restaurant and store lifts and compact cargo lifts. In addition, we supply cargo and passengers lifts, as well as specially designed lifting systems for people with disabilities.
Recetly, the company has developed an excellent collaboration with KLEEMANN HELLAS one of the biggest companies worlwide in the Lift market.
You can get information on how to design your own cabin according to your aesthetic taste from the factorys web site.
Taking into consideration the requirements of each project as well as your own safety, at T.E.P LIFTS LTD we supply lifts that not only meet all the necessary safety standards but also last for years.
Apart from the three-year warranty (terms and conditions apply) we offer for all lifts, we also guarantee the availability of mechanical and electronic components even for those that we have installed 35 years ago.